Viewing Your Earnings
To view your total earnings, log into your Athletes Untapped account and navigate to the ‘Payments’ tab. Here, you can see your total earnings, along with your rates and payment information. If you need to update your payment details, you can also do so within this section to ensure everything is up to date.
Viewing Your Bookings
To keep track of your bookings, head to the ‘Bookings’ tab in your account. This will display a list of all your clients and their corresponding sessions. You can easily see the status of each session, including:
- Completed: You’ve marked the session as completed, and the payment has already been processed. It typically takes Stripe 2-3 business days to process the transfer.
- Upcoming: Both you and the client have accepted the session, and it’s scheduled to be completed once the lesson takes place.
- Pending: Either you or the client still need to accept the session request before it can be confirmed.
- Need to Schedule: Shows how many remaining lessons the client has on their account and need to be scheduled.
Managing Bookings in Advance
If your client has 2 or fewer sessions remaining, we always recommend asking them to re-book before their session count reaches zero. This ensures booking and scheduling are handled ahead of time, minimizing the risk of scheduling conflicts and making the process smoother for both you and your client.
For more information on how to get paid after your lesson, visit this article. For more information on how to get past clients to re-book, visit this article.