We know finding the right coach is crucial to your training success. That’s why we offer our Good Fit Guarantee to ensure your peace of mind. If after your first lesson you feel that the coach isn’t the right fit for you, we will refund the full payment. Just let us know within 24 hours after the first lesson is completed. This guarantee gives you the confidence to try out a coach knowing that if it doesn’t meet your expectations, you’re not financially committed to continuing. Your satisfaction and training experience are our top priorities.
Tips for Finding the Right Coach
To help ensure you find the best coach for your needs, we recommend starting by browsing the coach’s profile on the Athletes Untapped platform. A coach’s profile will provide detailed information about their experience, services offered, rates, and reviews from other athletes. This will give you an idea of their qualifications, coaching style, and whether they align with your goals. Taking the time to review these details can help you make a more informed decision when selecting a coach.
Communication is Key
Before booking a session, it’s a good idea to reach out and communicate directly with the coach. Message them with any questions you may have about their services, coaching methods, or availability. This is also a great opportunity to discuss your goals and training needs in more detail. By having an open conversation ahead of time, you can ensure that the coach understands your objectives and can tailor their approach to suit your specific requirements. This communication will help set clear expectations and make sure both you and the coach are on the same page from the start.
For more information on how to contact Athletes Untapped support, visit this article. For more information on how to know if Athletes Untapped is right for you or your child, visit this article.