There are a number of factors that determine whether you’ll receive a 1099 tax form. Principally though, if you’ve earned $5,000 or more over the course of the calendar year, we will send you a 1099-K tax form to the email (preferred) or physical address (optional) listed on your Stripe account. If you don’t meet the requirements to receive a 1099 from Athletes Untapped, you will not receive a form.
Tax Reporting Responsibilities
If your payments on Athletes Untapped don’t meet the reporting threshold in a tax year, it does not relieve you of your obligation to report and pay taxes for income received through the Athletes Untapped platform. We encourage you to consult with a tax advisor to better understand your requirements.
For more 1099 information, visit the IRS website about gig economy workers and 1099 information. If you have questions about your tax reporting, please contact AU Support.
For more information on how to get paid after completing your lesson, visit this article.